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Rolken's AntiRecords

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These are stats that, frankly, could use some help.

Game Level Category Division Order Desc Stat Players Date
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 10 10 9 03-04-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 10 20 12 03-04-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 9 19 10 03-08-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 9 15 11 03-04-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 8 19 12 03-04-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 7 21 10 03-04-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 7 10 11 03-04-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 6 26 11 03-12-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 6 12 11 03-04-07
Sonic Adventure (DX) Emerald Coast Rings Big 16 128 12-13-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Cannon's Core Time Mission 5 8:24:70 115 10-29-03
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Sky Rail Rings Mission 5 3 92 12-12-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) White Jungle Rings Mission 5 5 109 12-12-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Security Hall Time Mission 5 2:20:42 150 10-29-03
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Lost Colony Time Mission 5 5:03:29 124 10-30-03
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Egg Quarters Rings Mission 5 1 83 12-12-05
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Frog Boss Amy 0:54:65 34 11-10-03
Sonic Heroes Egg Emperor Boss Chaotix 4:00:23 119 12-07-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Radical Highway Rings Mission 5 43 106 12-12-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Radical Highway Score Mission 5 16,040 104 12-12-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Sand Ocean Time Mission 5 3:12:20 143 10-29-03
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Sand Ocean Rings Mission 5 27 94 12-12-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Final Rush Time Mission 5 5:26:57 157 10-29-03
Sonic Heroes Lost Jungle Rings Chaotix 7 87 12-07-05
Sonic Advance 2 Aero Egg Boss Amy 1:00:33 36 11-10-03
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Hidden Base Time Mission 5 3:52:84 142 10-30-03
Sonic Heroes Casino Park Extra Chaotix 13:43:91 76 12-07-05
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 5 7 10 03-04-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 5 38 11 03-04-07
Sonic Heroes Power Plant Extra Chaotix 15:54:03 79 12-07-05
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Time Amy 1:20:55 44 12-03-03
Sonic Advance 2 Egg Hammer Tank II Boss Amy 0:25:48 45 11-10-03
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 2 Time Amy 1:08:53 45 12-03-03
Shadow the Hedgehog Egg Dealer Boss Hero 2:41:69 69 12-07-05
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 10 Rings Blaze 48 13 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 10 Score Blaze 84,500 17 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 9 Score Blaze 88,000 19 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Big Swell Score Blaze 39,000 19 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Pirates' Island 2 Rings Blaze 238 9 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Pirates' Island 1 Score Blaze 90,000 15 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Pirate Score Blaze 42,000 21 09-21-07
Sonic Advance Cosmic Angel 2 Time Amy 2:37:50 42 12-16-03
Sonic Advance 2 Music Plant 1 Time Cream 2:08:10 53 11-13-03
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Pendulum Score Blaze 15,000 22 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Machine Labyrinth 1 Rings Blaze 212 15 09-21-07
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Time Cream 1:28:40 61 11-13-03
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 4 6 13 03-04-07
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 1 Time Cream 1:17:45 80 11-13-03
Sonic Rush Adventure Wave Cyclone 2 Score Sonic 120,700 17 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Wave Cyclone 2 Time Sonic 1:24:00 27 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Yellow Emerald Time Sonic 0:48:55 30 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Yellow Emerald Score Sonic 76,500 16 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Red Emerald Score Sonic 54,100 21 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 15 Score Sonic 95,500 24 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 14 Score Sonic 97,500 29 09-21-07
Shadow the Hedgehog Devil Doom Boss Neutral 5:06:55 45 12-07-05
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 12 Rings Sonic 12 18 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 9 Score Sonic 72,000 27 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 7 Score Sonic 79,000 29 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 6 Score Sonic 95,500 33 09-21-07
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) White Jungle Time Mission 3 3:02:94 164 10-29-03
Sonic Rush Adventure Deep Core Score Sonic 11,000 29 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Pirates' Island 2 Rings Sonic 147 12 09-21-07
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Radical Highway Time Mission 3 2:24:09 185 10-29-03
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Jungle Joyride 1 Rings Night 70 29 01-03-09
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Condor Score Sonic 10,000 27 09-21-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Sky Babylon 2 Time Sonic 2:52:57 28 09-20-07
Sonic Rush Adventure Sky Babylon 1 Score Sonic 67,000 29 09-21-07
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Arid Sands 1 Rings Night 181 27 01-03-09
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Final Rush Time Mission 3 4:13:55 170 10-29-03
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Meteor Herd Time Mission 3 1:24:79 153 10-29-03
Sonic Rush Adventure Blizzard Peaks 1 Time Sonic 1:24:35 41 09-21-07
Sonic Heroes Frog Forest Rings Dark 16 96 10-06-06
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Pirate Score Sonic 45,000 30 09-21-07
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Eternal Engine Time Mission 3 2:01:72 135 12-31-69
Sonic 3 Launch Base 2 Time Knuckles 5:11 40 04-27-04
Sonic Advance Cosmic Angel 2 Time Knuckles 2:16:37 47 12-16-03
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Death Chamber Time Mission 3 1:41:90 153 10-29-03
Sonic 3 Launch Base 1 Time Knuckles 3:58 41 04-27-04
Sonic Heroes Bullet Station Rings Dark 80 95 12-07-05
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Dragon Road 1 Rings Night 33 26 01-03-09
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Hidden Base Time Mission 3 2:39:10 149 10-30-03
Sonic Heroes Rail Canyon Time Dark 7:45:94 122 01-12-04
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Kraken Score Sonic 35,000 29 09-21-07
Sonic Adventure (DX) Lost World Rings Knuckles 3 109 12-13-05
Shadow the Hedgehog Central City Score Hero 25,220 53 12-07-05
Sonic Rush Adventure Coral Cave 1 Score Sonic 66,000 33 09-21-07
Sonic Heroes Bingo Highway Extra Dark 15:42:89 76 12-07-05
Sonic Rush Adventure Ghost Pendulum Score Sonic 15,000 34 09-21-07
Sonic 3 Carnival Night 1 Time Knuckles 1:43 51 04-27-04
Sonic Heroes Casino Park Extra Dark 11:35:93 80 12-07-05
Sonic 3 Marble Garden 2 Time Knuckles 6:21 45 04-27-04
Sonic Adventure (DX) Speed Highway Rings Knuckles 11 122 12-13-05
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Savannah Citadel 2 Time Night 2:53:27 63 12-31-08
Sonic Heroes Power Plant Extra Dark 7:52:28 85 12-07-05
Sonic & Knuckles Sandopolis 1 Time Knuckles 4:24 34 04-27-04
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Metal Harbor Time Mission 3 0:49:57 236 10-30-03
Sonic 3 Hydrocity 2 Rings Knuckles 4 24 12-12-05
Sonic & Knuckles Flying Battery 2 Time Knuckles 4:51 36 04-27-04
Sonic 3 Hydrocity 2 Score Knuckles 2,100 21 12-12-05
Sonic & Knuckles Flying Battery 1 Time Knuckles 3:45 40 12-07-03
Sonic Rush Adventure Plant Kingdom 2 Score Sonic 83,500 38 09-21-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 3 36 10 03-04-07
Sonic 3 Hydrocity 1 Rings Knuckles 15 24 12-12-05
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 2 Time Knuckles 1:06:43 75 12-03-03
Sonic & Knuckles Mushroom Hill 2 Time Knuckles 2:27 43 04-27-04
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) City Escape Time Mission 3 2:29:85 234 10-30-03
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Dark Gaia Boss Day 12:16:91 42 12-31-08
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Egg Lancer Boss Day 3:12:27 58 12-31-08
Sonic Adventure (DX) Icecap Subgame Score Tails 6,480 93 12-13-05
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Egg Devil Ray Boss Day 2:06:29 67 12-31-08
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Sky Rail Time Mission 2 1:10:15 174 10-30-03
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Security Hall Time Mission 2 3:33:70 154 10-29-03
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Jungle Joyride 3 Rings Day 125 34 01-20-09
Sonic Adventure (DX) Egg Walker Boss Tails 1:18:98 96 12-13-05
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Skyscraper Scamper 2 Rings Day 87 35 01-03-09
Sonic Rush Dead Line 1 Rings Blaze 267 21 12-10-05
Sonic Advance 2 Egg-Go-Round Boss Tails 0:30:13 33 11-10-03
Sonic Riders SEGA Illusion Race Single Lap 1:08:87 42 04-13-06
Sonic Advance 2 Techno Base 1 Time Tails 2:31:42 41 11-10-03
Sonic 2 Metropolis 2 Rings Knuckles 6 37 08-25-04
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Rooftop Run 3 Time Day 1:50:79 78 12-31-08
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Crazy Gadget Time Mission 2 2:42:67 173 10-29-03
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Rooftop Run 2 Rings Day 43 23 01-03-09
Sonic Riders Sky Road Time Attack Single Lap 0:48:95 51 02-28-06
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Rooftop Run 1 Rings Day 826 38 12-31-08
Sonic 2 Oil Ocean 1 Rings Knuckles 8 39 08-25-04
Sonic Triple Trouble Atomic Destroyer 2 Score Tails 18,400 7 03-26-06
Sonic Triple Trouble Atomic Destroyer 2 Rings Tails 169 6 03-26-06
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Dragon Road 3 Time Day 1:04:40 72 12-31-08
Sonic Advance 2 Aero Egg Boss Tails 1:24:20 34 11-10-03
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Dragon Road 3 Score Day 58,657 56 12-31-08
Sonic Pocket Adventure Gigantic Angel 2 Time Advanced 3:04:56 8 08-22-04
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Dragon Road 2 Time Day 2:11:44 81 12-31-08
Sonic 2 Mystic Cave 1 Rings Knuckles 28 43 08-25-04
Sonic Triple Trouble Atomic Destroyer 1 Rings Tails 169 6 03-30-06
Sonic Pocket Adventure Gigantic Angel 1 Time Advanced 0:52:54 7 08-22-04
Sonic 2 Mystic Cave 1 Time Knuckles 1:20 64 08-25-04
Sonic Triple Trouble Atomic Destroyer 1 Score Tails 20,100 7 03-26-06
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Dragon Road 2 Score Day 32,267 58 12-31-08
Sonic Triple Trouble Tidal Plant 2 Score Tails 15,100 7 03-27-06
Sonic 2 Hill Top 2 Time Knuckles 1:52 68 08-25-04
Sonic Pocket Adventure Aerobase Time Advanced 2:44:08 7 08-22-04
Sonic Advance 2 Ice Paradise 1 Time Tails 2:22:53 42 11-10-03
Sonic 2 Hill Top 1 Rings Knuckles 13 49 08-25-04
Sonic Triple Trouble Tidal Plant 1 Rings Tails 81 9 03-27-06
Sonic Triple Trouble Tidal Plant 1 Score Tails 16,700 7 03-26-06
Sonic Adventure (DX) Sky Deck Score Tails 4,640 111 12-13-05
Sonic Triple Trouble Robotnik Winter 2 Score Tails 18,400 7 03-26-06
Sonic Pocket Adventure Aquatic Relix 2 Time Advanced 1:31:18 8 08-21-04
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 2 15 9 03-04-07
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Mission Street Time Mission 2 3:29:12 150 08-13-04
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Savannah Citadel 2 Score Day 46,200 57 12-31-08
Sonic 2 Aquatic Ruin 2 Rings Knuckles 9 39 08-25-04
Sonic Adventure (DX) Speed Highway Score Tails 4,460 111 12-13-05
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 2 13 11 03-06-07
Sonic Riders Babylon Garden Race Single Lap 1:01:10 46 04-13-06
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Savannah Citadel 2 Time Day 1:07:73 76 12-31-08
Sonic Pocket Adventure Cosmic Casino 2 Time Advanced 2:09:51 8 08-21-04
Sonic Triple Trouble Meta Junglira 2 Score Tails 13,700 9 03-26-06
Sonic 2 Aquatic Ruin 1 Rings Knuckles 7 49 08-25-04
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Savannah Citadel 1 Rings Day 175 31 01-08-09
Sonic Pocket Adventure Cosmic Casino 1 Time Advanced 0:44:09 8 09-27-06
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 2 Time Tails 1:34:70 57 11-10-03
Sonic Triple Trouble Meta Junglira 1 Score Tails 26,100 8 03-26-06
Sonic Adventure (DX) Icecap Rings Tails 52 113 12-13-05
Sonic Rush Water Palace 1 Rings Blaze 113 21 12-10-05
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 2 14 12 03-04-07
Sonic Advance 2 Hot Crater 1 Time Tails 1:28:99 64 11-10-03
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Wild Canyon Time Mission 2 1:19:70 211 10-29-03
Sonic Rush Leaf Storm 2 Rings Blaze 79 30 12-10-05
Sonic Advance 2 Leaf Forest 2 Time Tails 1:12:63 69 11-10-03
Sonic 2 Emerald Hill 1 Rings Knuckles 61 81 08-25-04
Sonic & Knuckles Mushroom Hill 1 Score Tails 1,000 26 05-16-07
Sonic 3 Angel Island 1 Time Tails 1:22 86 04-02-04
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Rouge Boss Hero 1:28:27 108 12-12-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Egg Golem Boss Hero 1:43:27 117 12-12-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) King Boom Boo Boss Hero 4:55:72 119 12-12-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Shadow 1 Boss Hero 0:21:07 144 12-12-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Big Foot Boss Hero 0:53:29 141 12-12-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Green Hill Rings Mission 1 59 78 12-12-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Green Hill Time Mission 1 0:51:67 143 10-29-03
Sonic Adventure (DX) Icecap Subgame Score Sonic 6,290 94 12-13-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Mad Space Rings Mission 1 16 106 12-12-05
Knuckles Chaotix Isolated Island 2 Rings Levels 114 17 02-12-07
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Egg Quarters Rings Mission 1 11 114 12-12-05
Sonic Heroes Egg Emperor Boss Sonic 3:54:64 133 12-07-05
Sonic 2 (GG) Crystal Egg 2 Time Sonic 1:40 21 08-29-04
Sonic 3D Blast Panic Puppet 2 Time Sonic 1:28 48 04-13-09
Sonic 3D Blast Panic Puppet 2 Score Sonic 5,200 30 04-13-09
Sonic Adventure (DX) Egg Hornet Boss Sonic 1:08:80 125 12-13-05
Sonic 1 Scrap Brain 3 Rings Sonic 3 61 08-25-04
Sonic Adventure (DX) Chaos 6 Boss Sonic 1:35:05 110 12-13-05
Sonic 2 Metropolis 3 Time Sonic 3:35 84 08-25-04
Sonic Adventure (DX) Chaos 4 Boss Sonic 2:00:66 110 12-13-05
Sonic 1 Scrap Brain 2 Rings Sonic 4 67 04-20-06
Sonic Riders SEGA Illusion Race Three Laps 3:36:90 42 04-13-06
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Final Rush Time Mission 1 4:24:34 236 12-12-05
Sonic 1 Scrap Brain 1 Rings Sonic 8 66 08-25-04
Sonic 2 Metropolis 2 Time Sonic 2:49 101 04-06-04
Sonic Adventure (DX) Chaos 0 Boss Sonic 0:40:00 132 12-13-05
Sonic 3D Blast Volcano Valley 3 Time Sonic 0:29 64 04-13-09
Sonic Pocket Adventure Chaotic Space Time Time Trial 0:42:00 6 08-21-04
Sonic Riders Sky Road Time Attack Three Laps 2:38:08 50 02-28-06
Sonic CD Wacky Workbench 2 Score Acts 5,300 22 10-31-06
Sonic 3D Blast Volcano Valley 2 Score Sonic 33,000 29 04-13-09
Sonic 1 (GG) Scrap Brain 1 Score Sonic 15,300 18 11-15-06
Sonic 3D Blast Volcano Valley 1 Score Sonic 33,500 30 04-13-09
Sonic Pocket Adventure Gigantic Angel 2 Score Time Trial 2,200 7 10-20-06
Sonic Pocket Adventure Gigantic Angel 2 Rings Time Trial 1 8 09-27-06
Sonic 2 Mystic Cave 2 Rings Sonic 1 50 08-25-04
Sonic CD Quartz Quadrant 2 Score Acts 10,600 23 10-31-06
Sonic Triple Trouble Atomic Destroyer 1 Score Sonic 15,000 7 03-30-06
Shadow the Hedgehog Mad Matrix Time Dark 20:25:86 62 12-07-05
Sonic 1 (GG) Labyrinth 2 Score Sonic 5,300 14 11-15-06
Sonic Triple Trouble Tidal Plant 2 Score Sonic 18,300 7 03-27-06
Sonic CD Tidal Tempest 3 Rings Acts 88 37 10-31-06
Sonic Triple Trouble Robotnik Winter 2 Score Sonic 18,300 8 03-26-06
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 1 20 11 03-04-07
Sonic 1 (GG) Jungle 2 Score Sonic 11,000 15 11-15-06
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Aquatic Mine Rings Mission 1 20 125 12-12-05
Sonic 1 (GG) Jungle 1 Score Sonic 11,200 16 11-15-06
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 1 11 11 03-11-07
Sonic 1 (GG) Jungle 1 Time Sonic 1:06 29 11-15-06
Sonic 2 Aquatic Ruin 2 Time Sonic 1:54 132 11-30-03
Sonic 3D Blast Rusty Ruin 2 Score Sonic 46,600 39 04-13-09
Sonic 1 (GG) Bridge 2 Score Sonic 5,200 28 11-14-06
Sonic CD Collision Chaos 2 Score Acts 7,300 28 10-31-06
Sonic 2 Aquatic Ruin 1 Score Sonic 10,800 62 02-10-07
Sonic Rush Water Palace 2 Rings Sonic 139 24 12-14-05
Sonic Adventure (DX) Icecap Score Sonic 3,830 121 12-13-05
Sonic Adventure (DX) Windy Valley Rings Sonic 135 142 12-13-05
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 1 31 13 03-04-07
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) City Escape Score Mission 1 18,130 177 12-12-05

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Player ID: 1
Hits: 9,399 | Hits This Month: 149 | DB Calls: 19 | Mem Usage: 1017.64 KB | Time: 0.81s | Printable

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